4 Ways To Find a Website's IP Address

This tutorial teaches you how to find the IP address of a website. You can do this by using your computer's built-in "traceroute" function, or by downloading and using a free traceroute app for your iPhone or Android.

4 Ways to find a websites IP address

1 - On Windows
2 - On Mac
3 - On Android
4 - On IPhone 


Method 1 of 4

On windows:

To find the IP address of any website on windows we will use command prompt. Command prompt is available by default on windows.

Follow below steps carefully:

Step 1 - Open your PC and click on start menu

Step 2 - Search For "cmd" (Without quotes)

Step 3 - Right Click on cmd and click on "Run as administration"

Step 4 - Now enter a command -

              ping [website address] -t

   Ex. - ping google.com -t

Step 5 - Now hit enter

Now you will see the IP address of website.

Warning - Don't try to find IP address of government based based. (Ex. .gov  .gov.in  .ac etc.)

Method 2 of 4

On Mac

To find the IP address of any website on Mac we will use Network utility tool. This tool is available by default on Mac

Follow below steps carefully

Step 1 - Open Spotlight (Click the magnifying glass-shaped icon in the top-right corner of the screen.) 

Step 2 - Search for Network Utility and open it. 

Step 3 - Click on Traceroute tab in network utility.

Step 4 - Enter website address in input box and click on trace button

You will see the IP address of website 

Warning - Don't try to find IP address of government based based. 

Method 3 of 4

On Android 

To find the IP address of any website on Android we will use Pingtools Network. This tool is available on google play store

Download PingTools Network Utility. To do so:
  • Open your Android's 
     Image titled Androidgoogleplay.png
      Google Play Store
  • Tap the search bar
  • Type in pingtools
  • Tap PingTools Network Utility
  • Tap AGREE

Step 2 - Open PingTools Network Utility app

Step 3 -  Tap . It's in the upper-left corner of the screen. A pop-out menu will appear.

Step 4 - Now tap Traceroute 

Step 5 - Enter Website address and click on trace button 

You will see the IP address of  website. 

Warning - Don't try to find IP address of government based based.
 Method 4 of 4

On iPhone

To find the IP address of any website on iPhone we will use Inettool. This tool is available on app store. 

Download iNetTools from your iPhone's App Store. To do so:
  • Open the 
     Image titled Iphoneappstoreicon.png
      App Store app.
  • Tap Search
  • Tap the search bar
  • Type in inettools
  • Tap Search
  • Tap GET next to the "iNetTools" heading.
  • Enter your password or Touch ID when prompted.

Step 2 -  Open Inettools app

Step 3 - Click on Traceroute

Step 4 - Click on adress bar and input website address (e.g. google.com) 

Step 5 - Click on start 

You will see the IP address of website. 

Warning - Don't try to find IP address of government based based.